Fatalities: Lightning At the Beach
Lightning is a real beach hazard. The second greatest cause for lightning fatalities are beach activities!
- Fishing is the leading cause of lightning fatalities: fishermen are on piers, large rocks and sandy beaches as well in boats.
- General beach activities such as sunbathing, playing ball, etc. is the second highest cause of lightning fatalities.
- Camping is the third highest cause of lightning activities.
- There are a number of reasons why beach activities contribute to so many fatalities:
- The sound of thunder is hidden by the sounds of the surf and people having fun.
- Safety, typically a car or other vehicle, may be some distance away.
- Along the U.S. East Coast, people are generally facing to the ocean in the east but many storms come from the west.
- Enjoy your time at the beach but keep these recommendations in mind:
- Keep a watchful eye to the sky IN ALL DIRECTIONS and head to a safe place immediately at any sign of an approaching or developing storm.
- Monitor the forecast and radar on a phone or other electronic media and get to a safe place, such a vehicle or large, fully enclosed building (not a picnic shelter or other open-sided structure).
- When camping on the beach, have a hard-topped metal vehicle nearby and head into it at the first sign of a thunderstorm.